If you are planning on buying a home, you should have it inspected for wood destroying insects as part of your home inspection.
Termites, Carpenter Ants and other wood eating organisms can be very destructive to a home and sometimes even lead to serious structural issues. We are fully trained and licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to inspect for these type of wood destroying insects.
WSI offers a comprehensive pest control inspection to help protect your entire home, including attic, basement, crawl spaces and the exterior of the home.
The home will be thoroughly examined for any wood destroying insects, including: termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees and powder post beetles.
We will also provide you with a NPMA-33 completed form which is often a requirement of VA, FHA and USDA loans.
We don’t take the trust you’ve put in us lightly. With WSI you can expect personalized attention from the most highly trained and professional technicians in the Pest Management industry.
WSI prides itself on integrity and creating peace of mind for you and your family.